I will praise You, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, & that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:13-15
I've found much balance being home, away from the work world the past two years. The spiritual growth makes up for the loss of job, status and income. Homemaking - something that always plagued my creative self, actually became a pleasurable focus. The art of cooking, keeping things organized and straight and homey is my daily meditation on what's important in life. A reminder that feeding and nourishing the soul is reflected through the home I live in including caring for the house. What used to be neglected due to the demands of a job that overtook my time, energy and even space indicating neglect is now a harmonious, ordered ambience reflecting a place of nourishment and well being. Trust me, it's not perfectly clean, not Better Homes & Gardens - it is comfortable!
I simply forgot about nourishment of soul, being content, satisfied in the knowledge that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by Creator God. Just like weeds overgrowing a garden when not picked immediately, it was me who allowed work to overtake my existence replacing all else. I can't blame the job or even the career choice. I assume responsibility for becoming workaholic, losing touch with what's important and personal, people, my belongings and messy house. But all that changed.
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