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A Balanced Life

I will praise You, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, & that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:13-15

I've found much balance being home, away from the work world the past two years. The spiritual growth makes up for the loss of job, status and income. Homemaking - something that always plagued my creative self, actually became a pleasurable focus. The art of cooking, keeping things organized and straight and homey is my daily meditation on what's important in life. A reminder that feeding and nourishing the soul is reflected through the home I live in including caring for the house. What used to be neglected due to the demands of a job that overtook my time, energy and even space indicating neglect is now a harmonious, ordered ambience reflecting a place of nourishment and well being. Trust me, it's not perfectly clean, not Better Homes & Gardens - it is comfortable!

I simply  forgot about nourishment of soul, being content, satisfied in the knowledge that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by Creator God. Just like weeds overgrowing a garden when not picked immediately, it was me who allowed work to overtake my existence replacing all else. I can't blame the job or even the career choice. I assume responsibility for becoming workaholic, losing touch with what's important and personal, people, my belongings and messy house. But all that changed.

Choose Clarity


Begin Again

A lot of time has passed since writing here. My poor blogs have lain dormant long enough, time to plow up the sleep soil and plant new seeds for a blooming garden of new thoughts and ideas. This blog was certainly on the chopping block, due to it's neglect and lack of direction. Yet the thought of removing it just didn't sit well. Clarity is something I've worked hard on over the last two years and sharing that journey seems appropriate at this time. I have several notebooks full of recorded thoughts about the road I've travelled. It's time to share. Hopefully to find readers and contributors as well.

Posts will be short and sweet, sometimes sour or painful. Everyday talk, as well the things we use to make life will be looked at. Let's see what grows from seeds planted long ago!

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