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Don't Throw a Good Thing Away


Think again! In 2008 I wrote about Proctor and Gamble and their ploy to deceive customers with their mops, squeeze dollars out of us with their mop and dusting systems as well as increase the amount of waste products in cleaning solution bottles and disposable pads. You can read that Blog post  here: BABY COME BACK . Clearly P&G gets a huge THUMBS DOWN. 

Here's a Great Company for Mops! 

My new LIBMAN mop is superior to P&G’s system. It comes with a washable pad, and a container that you can fill with any cleaner you like. Plus if you click on the link to their website you get a $5 mail-in rebate! I bought my new mop last year and highly recommend it. I use it with my favorite cleaners from Melaleucca or Gold Canyon Candles Rosemary Floor cleaner. It means a lot to save money these days as well as to protect the waste of environmental hazards. Libman clearly stands for all these issues.

All about LIBMAN from their website:

Bringing the world a better way to clean through innovation, design and quality. For over 110 years, the Libman family has made quality their utmost priority. William Libman started The Libman Company in 1896 with one mission; to make the finest, most durable wire-wound corn brooms. William’s sons, grandsons and great grandchildren have since expanded that mission to include the finest mops, brooms, brushes and cleaning tools.

From now on, LIBMAN in my choice of cleaning tools.

This all American company provides us with CHOICES, savings and tips to clean that are truly GREEN and truly is an environmentally responsible company. Their products are for the home, outside, industrial use and refills or replacement parts for them all. 

It's important to give word of mouth advertising especially when things work. So don't believe the BABY COME BACK commercials or any for that matter.

Try LIBMAN products. If they work and you are happy, like them on FaceBook!

Then tell everyone you know about the products that work for you. In fact, write to me letting me know your very favorite companies and products. I'll feature them on this blog! 


The Yin & Yang of Life

My mother gave me a diary when I was in the 4th grade. It was her practice to write daily and she figured it would be good for me as well. It was red and had a key which made it very special. In those days I reported what any normal fourth grade girl would write: went to school, took a bath, fought with my brothers, washed the dishes and so forth. By the time I turned fourteen I discovered life wasn't so easy, my hormones changes and everything seemed chaotic. Writing it all out felt good. Now the little diaries were replaced by notebooks, and became a practice of mine to this day. I have boxes of these spiraled notes, or composition books in black and white awaiting a time in the future to be read by me.

It's was always my habit to use journaling as a dumping place for all the dark thinking, griping, bad days and things that just simply confounded me locked inside my head with no other place to go except a page in a notebook. I even used to own a black paper  notebook  allowing me to write in pencil so that not even I could decipher the junk being written down. That one eventually ended up in a ceremonial burning and departure from a bad time in my life. For the most part anger to rage to sadness and desperation filled many pages releasing my mind from sinister grips of bad thinking. That is the content of my lifelong journaling. They were a friend to me when no human being could possibly understand or so I thought.

On occasion a poem, prose or  "aha moments" of enlightenment or resolution, graced a page or two with even illustrations to boot! There were many prayers, recordings of memorable events or dreams. I suppose there is even a yin and yang to everything in life. Black ink on white paper (or visa versa), good and bad, hard and easy, male and female, complaining or gratefulness. 

This year, I immersed myself in reading a devotional called Moments that Matter by Catherine Marshall - a womanly sage, full of deep yet gentle wisdom. She takes a day with a promise of scripture, an example from life and paints her words like a Masterpiece concisely into something worth remembering. She is never judgmental or trite, always open-ended with room to apply the meditations to my life.

I realized that all my writing doesn't have to be about darkness. I experience so much good, pleasant times and memories. I determined with her influence and authoring model to spend more time in authentic stories, with gratitude, noble messages, and solution based writing. That and keeping things short, which in case you haven't noticed, is very difficult for me to do! There is always room for improvement...

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Nothing New Under the Son

Let the beauty of the Lord God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us.” Psalm 90:17

My prayer this year is for clarity, simplicity and to experience the abundance of life that Christ the Lord promised to those who seek Him. It’s His beauty in teaching forgiveness, love and mercy that frees us from the darkened world of sin replaced by the light of truth and wisdom. Only then will the work of our hands be blessed and established.

If we are influenced by the media, Hollywood movies, politics, current events, the narrow focus on whats wrong with America where do we find hope? If all the division of parties and peoples, the hatred between religions, racism, progressive liberalism, socialism, communism, verses capitalism and conservatism — all these schisms prove only that we are doomed. 

Despite the overwhelming darkness in global world affairs and economies, unrest in the peoples lives, and unending corruption and wickedness in the political arena, I remain certain that it’s “the beauty of our Lord God” that reigns above and beyond all else. No twisting of history, or promise of political change will ever bring down or replace the Sovereign place of Creator God or the written word of scriptures.

The One true God gave us His WORD (son of God) and to those who believe and have faith they are rooted and grounded in the eternal kingdom of God sheltered under His wing of care. (Read Psalm 91) Standing on the Word I have no fear for myself, family or friends and for that matter my country, this nation. God is not a mere wisp of deity made up in any mans mind, as in a title of Francis Schaeffer's book “He is there, not Silent.”

Go ahead and read it yourself: the Torah/Holy Bible contain truths that cannot be shattered.  The word gives hope, a future and guidelines in opposition to Human secularism, occultic influences, and political power trips, and the emptiness of consumerism and celebrity worship. Even the *emerging watered down churches filled with entertainment value cannot diminish beauty of our Lord God and the eternal truth that there is Heaven and there is Hell. You are either once born or twice born through His son, Jesus Christ. If you don’t believe it’s your choice of free will and between you and your maker. Jesus commanded us to love our fellow man even when they don’t agree, love is the sign of a true believer.

The greatest evil of all was the death of the innocent Son of Man crucified. You see there is nothing new under the sun, this world has seen evil days before and God is not unaware. On the contrary, He beckons us back to Himself-to the origins of our faith back to the written Word.  We are to carry our concerns, and daily needs in prayer to Him, replacing fear with faith. 

For now I’m in agreement with 2 Chronicles 7:14 seeking God and turning from my own wicked ways and humbling myself to pray not only for me, but for our nation. Not only our nation but for you if you are reading and have no hope!

 “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

*Just a note about the emerging church here in the West. I was at a point when "Church-ianity" failed to satisfy my longing to know God. Then the most amazing pastors crossed my path with knowledge of the Old Testament, Jewish history and opened the truths of the New Testament as I never heard before. 

Their Biblical, spirit filled teaching changed my spiritual walk with Messiah Jeusus forever. When Christians aren't fed from the Vine of Judaism they will forever be disconnected from the plan of God. You can find these special Pastors still teaching truth of Scripture after many years since.

Here's the link: 
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Ordinary Daily Tasks

Keep Nice...
Words my OCD husband uses on a daily basis to reinforce my "Daily Tasks" of meditation. It takes huge efforts for me to put things back where they belong, keep things neat and ordered, as well as make the bed, wash dishes and put them away, and even polish the sink daily along with cleaning the counters. Sounds like a lot - but these are the things that glued my mind back together. You know the "before mind" that thought the only life was outside the home, and always wanted a maid to do all my cleaning. Well, truthfully it's still my wish!

I imagined that brushing my teeth or putting on makeup as a time to reflect & pray, while looking at me with care and gentleness. It worked for me during the worst down days, when all seemed dark and gloomy. These daily tasks actually brought me back in touch literally to the world of homemaking and sense of self.

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